Wednesday, September 16, 2009

JK NAP will seige POK Assembly building on Oct 5th, 2009.

Jammu Kashmir National Awami party ( JK NAP) has been continued its protest marches against Gilgit Baltistan so called package which has been announced by Pakistani Govt. JK NAP has given a call to siege Pakistani occupied Kashmir Assembly building on Oct 5th, 2009. JK NAP president Liaqat Hayyat announced that JK NAP and JK NSF activists, members and leaders will be reaching in Muzaffrabad POK capital city on Oct 5th, from all over POK and will be participating in a siege of Assembly building. JK NAP made this announced after having a series of demonstrations all over POK areas to denounce proposed fraud Gilgit Baltistan rights package but POK Govt neither condemned it nor separated from this so called package. POK Govt especially POK PM has been silent over this National issue and JK NAP and JK NSF members are ready to siege this so called useless assembly and its members have not been doing what they are suppose to be doing and should have been taken up Gitgit Baltistan issue with Pakistani Govt but they have failed to represent the aspirations of POK people. JK NAP and JK NSF caravans will be reaching in Muzaffrabad to wake up POK puppet rulers. JK NAP also appealed to other progressive nationalist forces to join this National march and put pressure on POK and Pakistani Govts to cancel this so called Gilgit Baltistan package.

Issued by,
International Council JK NAP. ( IC JK NAP)

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